Staff: Ordering library stock

Ordering library stock

Book suggestions from all staff and students will be considered. Priority will be given to teaching and research materials requested by staff.

To order stock to be added to our collections please fill out the book purchase request form available once you are logged into your library account.

Click on your name in the top right-hand corner, then click on ‘your account’, scroll down and on the left, you will see a tab for ‘Purchase Suggestions’, when you click it you will see your purchase suggestion history, click on + New purchase suggestion under.

Due to budget restrictions, there are limits on what can be ordered for a module. Typically, two copies of a book are ordered for a module and one copy of a book is ordered for research materials. This can be adjusted and to determine how many copies will be purchased for the Library, the Collection Development and Description Librarian will also look at:

  • the size of the module,
  • the type of book that is being requested,
  • the cost of the book,
  • and at the usage figures on similar books.

If you have a preference for either print or electronic formats, please specify this when placing the request. If the option is available and the price difference is reasonable, the Library will tend to prefer the eBook. eBooks are generally available to the Library under single-user (1 concurrent user) and multi-user (3 concurrent users) licences.

See:  Collection Development policy and Reading Lists for more information.

In order to fully support students and academic staff, the Library needs to receive all the reading lists in ATU and set up access to the resources on those lists before the start of each semester.

The high cost of academic books and other educational resources can be a barrier. Consider using Open educational resources (OER) are educational materials and resources offered freely and openly for anyone and available under a license that allows users to use, remix, improve and redistribute. Open access books and textbooks are freely accessible and can be incorporated as part of your teaching to support student learning.  Like any information resource, the quality of material can vary so it is important to evaluate the content before you use it or recommend it to your students.

Checkout our Open Educational Resources: Subject Indexes.

If you would like to suggest an OER to be included please email the library.