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Focus on… JSTOR Ireland Collection

Journals and other resources across the arts, humanities, and sciences in disciplines such as music, art, history, literature, archaeology, mathematics, and biology. Materials span from the 1780s to the present, providing a rich focus on Ireland.

• 74 Titles
• 177,869 Articles
• 838,029 Pages

Highlights include:

• The Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, which date back to 1787, and the Academy’s other valuable
publications Ériu, Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, and Irish Studies International Affairs
• Significant portions of Queen’s rare Bunting Collection, composed of melodies and Irish music collected by Edward Bunting in the early 19th century
• Irish Historical Studies, Ireland’s prominent history journal
• History Ireland and Archaeology Ireland
• Irish Arts Review and Circa, both long-standing art publications

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