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Open Scholarship Week 2021

OSCG Open Scholarship Prize

In association with Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology & Lero, the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Software

Changing research & education for the better: How my research contributes to Open Scholarship.

Open Scholarship Week 2021

OSCG Open Scholarship Prize

In association with Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology & Lero, the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Software

Changing research & education for the better: How my research contributes to Open Scholarship.


Schedule for the competition.


GMIT are delighted to partner with OSCG for the purposes of an international competition in the area of Open Scholarship at the Open Scholarship Week 2021 (OSW2021). Research students from Ireland and beyond will present their projects for consideration for the first Open Scholarship Research Prize.

The prize recognises the substantial contribution that Open Scholarship makes to the betterment of science and society. Researchers improve society and research generally through making research more accessible, transparent are reproducible.